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Publikationen P. Fischer & Arbeitsgruppe

by Soldat J, Erdinger F, Fiorini C, Fischer P, Grande A, Hansen K, Kirchgessner PKM, Manghisoni M, Nasri B, Porro M, Comotti D, Reckleben C and Szymanski J
First Operation of a DSSC Hybrid 2D Soft X-Ray Imager with 4.5 MHz Frame Rate (Soldat J, et al.), In Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2016 IEEE, 2016.
Bibtex Entry:
  author =       "J Soldat and F Erdinger and C Fiorini and P Fischer
                 and A Grande and K Hansen and P Kalavakuru M
                 Kirchgessner and M Manghisoni and B Nasri and M Porro
                 and D Comotti and C Reckleben and J Szymanski",
  title =        "First Operation of a {DSSC} Hybrid 2{D} Soft {X}-Ray
                 Imager with 4.5 {MH}z Frame Rate",
  journal =      "Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging
                 Conference (NSS/MIC), 2016 IEEE",
  doi =          "10.1109/NSSMIC.2016.8069831",
  year =         "2016",

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