Publikationen P. Fischer & Arbeitsgruppe
by Perić I., Fischer P., Knopf J. and Nguyen THH
DCDB and SWITCHERB, the readout ASICS for Belle II DEPFET pixel detector (Perić I., et al.), In Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2011 IEEE, 2011.
Bibtex Entry:
@InProceedings{6154365, author = "I. Perić and P. Fischer and J. Knopf and Thi Hong Hanh Nguyen", title = "{DCDB} and {SWITCHERB}, the readout {ASICS} for Belle {II} {DEPFET} pixel detector", booktitle = "Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2011 IEEE", year = "2011", pages = "1536--1539", month = oct, doi = "10.1109/NSSMIC.2011.6154365", ISSN = "1082-3654", keywords = "application specific integrated circuits;nuclear electronics;readout electronics;semiconductor counters;Belle II experiment;DCDB chip;DEPFET modules;DEPFET pixel detector;SWITCHERB chip;SuperKEKB B-factory;readout ASIC;Radio frequency;Switches;Switching circuits;Belle II;DCD chip;DEPFET pixel detector;SuperKEKB", }