Publikationen P. Fischer & Arbeitsgruppe
by Comotti M. Mand D. and Fischer E. Qand P.
Pixel-Level Charge and Current Injection Circuit for High Accuracy Calibration of the DSSC Chip at the European XFEL (Comotti M. Mand D., et al.), In IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, volume 60, 2013.
Bibtex Entry:
@Article{6589009, author = "M. {Manghisoni} and D. {Comotti} and E. {Quartieri} and P. {Fischer} and M. {Porro}", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science", title = "Pixel-Level Charge and Current Injection Circuit for High Accuracy Calibration of the {DSSC} Chip at the European {XFEL}", year = "2013", volume = "60", number = "5", pages = "3852--3861", keywords = "calibration;CMOS image sensors;free electron lasers;readout electronics;signal processing equipment;X-ray lasers;pixel-level charge circuit;current injection circuit;high accuracy calibration;DSSC chip;European XFEL;in-pixel calibration;large sensor matrix;pixel cell unit calibration;hybrid pixel device;DEPFET sensor with signal compression chip;large format imager;European X-ray free electron laser;deep N-well monolithic CMOS sensors;detectors;readout electronic functionality;charge sensitive amplification;transresistance readout channel;CMOS technology;size 130 nm;Decision support systems;Computer architecture;Noise;Microprocessors;Current measurement;Calibration;Noise measurement;Calibration;DSSC;high accuracy;injection circuit;pixel;XFEL", doi = "10.1109/TNS.2013.2277331", ISSN = "1558-1578", month = oct, }