Publikationen P. Fischer & Arbeitsgruppe
by Drees A. and others
Letter of intent: study of electron pair production in hadron and nuclear collisions at the CERN SPS (CERN-SPSC-88-15) (Drees A., et al.), Technical report CERN-SPSC-88-15. SPSC-I-170, CERN, 1988.
Bibtex Entry:
@TechReport{Drees:1988pf, author = "A. Drees and others", title = "Letter of intent: study of electron pair production in hadron and nuclear collisions at the {CERN} {SPS} (CERN-SPSC-88-15)", number = "CERN-SPSC-88-15. SPSC-I-170", year = "1988", URL = "", institution = "CERN", slaccitation = "\%CITATION = INSPIRE-266370;\%", }